Prog-punk psych with a touch-o’-sludger’s Caustic Casanova have released 6 full-length albums and four EP’s since their debut in 2005 and have been involved with the likes of Retro Futurist and Magnetic Eye Records. The three-piece from the DC area waste no time and have kept a steady, determined metronome going forward and projecting their rock to the people. They are currently looking to release their latest album with Magnetic Records and are introducing a fourth member, guitarist Jake Kimberley. “It features some new instrumentation and a 22-minute song. We can’t wait for everyone to hear it!” exclaims drummer/sometimes vocalist Stefani Zaenker.


Prolific as usual, Caustic Casanova are not wasting any time with what they have left of 2021. They have wrapped up their recording, they have music videos, new merch, and some fall touring scheduled. You can catch them this weekend at The Deviant Collective, Day Two in Baltimore!



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