Ever listen to Dirt Metal? If you’ve listened to NJ heshers, Solace, then your answer is a resounding, “yes”! If you haven’t, you should really get to it. The OGs from 1996 have accomplished the ultimate and age-old undertaking of any metal band which is to have as much fun as possible and just rock out. They don’t need to take things too seriously because their sound is doing all the work for them. Two guitars dueling, dancing, and leading snarly-stoner rock vocals and everything you could want in the accompanying rhythm section that plays as a perpetually perfect fit. Each member really molds their parts together for a fine blend of their “low life” blues, rock, metal, and whatever they’re feeling brew. It sounds like a lot. It is a lot. There is always so much going on in their music but it’s never overdone. They just do what they do.


Their latest release, “The Brink” on Blues Funeral Records came out this time last year. Not wasting any time, they have their next record completely written musically and as for recording it, “will most likely not be until after this Covid shit is fucking over!” When asked about their next big plans and how they’re feeling about their direction guitarist Tommy Southard says that they’re just hoping to wake up and be alive tomorrow but optimistically, “It's the first time in many years that I have a reliable group of guys who all want to actually jam, gig, and record but 2020 was a shit year not just for us but for most bands. We are looking forward to 2021 and getting back after it!”


Our sentiments, exactly, Tommy. That’s months and maybe even more months off for now so while we wait, there is still music to be had! Go, listen to our favorite dirt metal dudes, Solace!

